The Omooma app at your service

We must admit we spend a lot of time on our phones. We rely on them for everything. Our smartphones are full of smart applications that provide services, and solutions that make our lives easier. Therefore, we launched the Omooma application to put at your fingertips the knowledge we provide through video courses, experts’ articles, and other services that will make your journey through motherhood easier

Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul Haija
Published on:Sep 29th 2022 |Updated on:Jun 10th 2024

Why is the Omooma app special?

The Omooma app is the first of its kind in the Arab world, it provides its users access to video courses, bundles of courses, and experts’ articles. It is also a smart gateway to other support services such as connecting the users to experts who will answer their queries about motherhood, in addition to being a haven for women to share experiences and concerns.

How helpful are motherhood courses?

Motherhood, unlike popular belief, does need a lot of knowledge and guidance. Therefore, we provide through the Omooma website and application video courses led by medical experts, in fields related to women’s health, prenatal health, and baby’s health. With a simple click, you can enroll in video courses produced with the best and latest technology and are led by experts in obstetrics, gynecology, fertility, pediatrics, a breastfeeding specialist, a midwife, and a doula. In addition to being a dentist, a clinical dietitian, a financial expert, a music education expert, and many others who are passionate about helping women in our society in making their motherhood journey easier and more enjoyable. Enjoy learning from anywhere at any time with our courses which are now available on your smartphone. 

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How can the expert’s articles help?

Through the Omooma app, you can also access a wide range of expert articles that are free of charge. These articles provide useful information and tips about pregnancy, fertility, birth, breastfeeding, and baby care, in addition to many lifestyle tips about fashion, beauty, party planning, and keeping romance alive in your marriage after the baby. The Omooma blog article is a comprehensive guide that will help Arab women in all stages of their motherhood journey.


What are you waiting for?  Download the Omooma app today on your phone and rest assured that we are with you all the way!

Check out Online courses on motherhood: using online learning to help women

Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul HaijaHead of Content in Omooma

Nauras is a mother of three, and the Head of Content of Omooma platform. She holds a master’s degree in French language and literature from the USA. She studied French following her passion for languages, she speaks 6 languages, 4 of them fluently. Before dedicating her career to creating and Marketing content, her professional experience included secondary education, higher education, translation, editing, writing, and managing web content. She has a great interest in all topics concerning motherhood and raising children, with a special passion for education.

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