5 Tips to help you prepare healthy meals that your little one will love

A healthy diet is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, and it is therefore important to introduce healthy eating to children when they are young. Building healthy eating and nutritional habits early on is essential for children’s growth and well-being and has lifelong benefits. Parents sometimes struggle in implementing healthy options and choices in their children’s diet so Blossom Nursery is happy to share some tips, based on our extensive experience in caring for children and teaching them about nutrition and healthy eating, which will help you to introduce and build healthy food habits with your little one.

Blossom Nurseries  Modern EYFS
Blossom Nurseries
Published on:Jun 18th 2023 |Updated on:Aug 10th 2024
healthy meals

5 Tips to help you prepare healthy meals that your little one will love


1- Choose the best ingredients


A healthy diet has a significant, positive impact on your child’s health, both whilst young and later in life, so don’t compromise on the components of your child’s meal and use only the best ingredients. Health and nutrition experts recommend that children consume natural, non-processed foods, organic where possible, to build a healthy gut and develop strong immunity. Prepare your little ones’ meals using fresh, natural, unprocessed ingredients and use organic produce and meats wherever possible. 


2- Avoid sugary and processed foods


Who doesn’t love a sweet taste? We all do, and children are no exception. You can satisfy a sweet craving by offering healthy treats that are naturally sweet, such as fruits, dates, raisins, or other dried fruits. Avoid giving your child foods that are processed or which have added processed sugar. Avoid sodas and other sugary drinks and offer natural juices and smoothies instead. Infants should only be offered water until they are fully weaned, and then gradually introduce natural fruit juices, initially diluted with water.  At Blossom Nurseries we have strict policies around healthy eating and do not provide, or allow, sugary treats, candy, or chocolate in the nursery.  Our catering partner, Inspire Me Cuisine, provides our children only healthy treats that are free from added sugar and preservatives, and for children who bring a packed lunch, we encourage parents to do the same.


3- Hide the good stuff 


One of the successful strategies that Blossom Nursery’s’ catering partner, Inspire Me Cuisine, applies is hiding nutritional ingredients like vegetables in the sauces that are part of the children’s meals. You can offer your child a bowl of pasta filled with additional vitamins and fiber by following our practices of pureeing healthy vegetables and adding them to the pasta sauce. Your child will be getting the nutritional benefit of broccoli, zucchini, carrots, and more without even realizing it and will love them. 


4- Watch out for allergens  


Food allergies can be a health hazard for children. Always introduce new foods to your child one at a time, and based on age-appropriate guidelines, and seek advice from your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or if your child shows any reaction.  If your child is confirmed with a food allergy, then remember to alert your child’s nursery or school. At Blossom, we take food allergies very seriously and only provide meals that meet each child’s dietary requirements and restrictions.  Additionally, we never offer our children any high-risk foods.


5- Choose a nursery that supports healthy nutrition 


We truly believe that a nursery is a continuum of the child’s life at home. Therefore, at Blossom Nurseries we always ensure that our children are served meals that are not only healthy and safe, are based on age-appropriate nutritional guidelines but are also tasty and appeal to the tastes of our little ones. We have teamed up with our partner company, Inspire Me Cuisine, who provide the meals for many of our branches, to ensure that children are well-nourished whilst in our care. Inspire Me Cuisine offers meals appropriate for every age group, based on the most recent guidelines in children’s healthy nutrition. Their menus are prepared by in-house consultants, naturopath chefs, and nutritionists, and the delicious Inspire Me Cuisine meals are prepared with love, using locally sourced fruits and vegetables, supporting local farmers and suppliers.  The meals are free from processed products, preservatives, and refined sugars, and the packaging is 100% reusable and sustainable.


At Blossom Nursery your child will grow, learn, and develop skills while having the option of delicious meals that all children will enjoy. 


Click Here to Book  A Tour at a Blossom nursery branch now 

Blossom Nurseries  Modern EYFS
Blossom Nurseries Modern EYFS

The Blossom Nursery Group was created with the mission of supporting Early Years Education in the UAE. We truly believe that every child deserves to get the best possible start to their journey in life, which will drive their future life as adults and maximize their potential. 
We are experts in Early Years Education with a child-specific, holistic offering that meets the individual needs of children between the ages of 8 weeks and 5 years of age. We are constantly evolving, along with families, as needs change in line with the world around us.
We nurture each child as an individual and aim to become their second home.

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