Tips to ease breastfeeding while traveling

Traveling with a baby requires preparation and planning to ensure your comfort and that of your baby during the trip. It may take weeks to prepare for a journey lasting several days. One of the things that mothers worry about when traveling is continuing Breastfeeding. So, in this article, I will share steps to facilitate Breastfeeding while traveling to ensure that your baby is properly fed.

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Sally Al Beer
Published on:Aug 11th 2024
تسهيل الرضاعة خلال السفر

When can you travel with an infant?

There is no specific age at which newborns and infants are allowed or prohibited from traveling. If the health of the mother and child allows it, they can travel a few weeks after birth. It is essential to consult your doctor to ensure that travel will not affect the health of the newborn child or the mother.

Tips to ease Breastfeeding while traveling

1| Continue direct Breastfeeding

If you are breastfeeding your baby directly from the breast, continue to do so while traveling as much as possible. Direct Breastfeeding is more accessible and safer than formula feeding and using baby bottles, as it does not need to be sterilized or heated.

2| Buying essential supplies

Nursing cover is one of the most important of these supplies as it allows the mother to cover herself during Breastfeeding and to breastfeed her child in complete privacy anywhere. Pumping breast milk will provide the child with the milk he needs and stimulates milk production. Therefore, I advise mothers to use a wearable breast pump, which allows them to pump milk anywhere and anytime, with great privacy and ease. Also, milk storage bags and an ice box should be used to store pumped breast milk. In addition to warm breast compresses that stimulate milk production and Breastfeeding.

3| Choosing the right seat

It is recommended that a breastfeeding mother sit in a window seat, where she can lean and be comfortable while breastfeeding her baby on the plane, and she can get the privacy she needs to breastfeed her baby.

4| Breastfeeding at the right time

I also recommend breastfeeding the child during take-off and landing so that the pressure in his ears is not affected and he does not suffer and scream as many children do due to the pain they suffer from the difference in air pressure during take-off and landing.

5| Lactation snacks

Mothers notice that their breast milk supply decreases during travel for several reasons, including different routines and feeding times, fatigue, etc. Therefore, I advise breastfeeding mothers to take lactation cookies even if they are not used to or need to eat them before. It is the best choice of milk-producing foods while traveling.

6| Skin-to-skin contact

After arriving at your destination, have skin-to-skin contact with your baby daily, even for ten minutes in the evening before bed. Skin-to-skin contact stimulates hormones and helps calm a baby who may feel uneasy during travel due to the change in routine, the place, and the people around.

7| Stay hydrated

While traveling, we usually stay outside for long hours, and not drinking water for so long makes nursing moms more vulnerable to dehydration. Therefore, it is essential to drink enough water daily; I advise the breastfeeding mother to take a large water bottle containing three liters of water everywhere so that she can get enough water quickly.

8| Watch the signs

Dear mother, ensure your child wets enough diapers daily, no less than six wet diapers. Do not let the preoccupation with travel distract you, and constantly follow the signs that the baby is getting enough milk.

9| Stock up on milk

As a precaution, the mother should take enough expressed milk and give it to the child if direct Breastfeeding during travel is not possible for any reason.


Breastfeeding while traveling is possible but requires a little preparation, and it is the ideal option for feeding the infant on a plane, in airports, and tourist destinations. It is ready-made and sterilized and does not need to be heated like bottled milk.

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Sally Al BeerBreastfeeding Counselor & Newborn Care Specialist

Sally graduated with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of Sharjah. She moved to Ontario Canada where she worked as a pharmacist for several years. Meanwhile, she had two children and received great support from breastfeeding consultants. She enjoyed the breastfeeding journey which drove her to volunteer to help new mothers in this journey as well. She found her passion in the field of mother and baby and continued to volunteer after returning to live in the UAE, until she became an accredited breastfeeding specialist providing support to hundreds of breastfeeding mothers, by helping them overcome the challenges of breastfeeding.

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