Tips to reduce anxiety and stress in pregnancy

During pregnancy, you may feel a variety of emotions every day, the most common of which are anxiety, stress, and sometimes fear. A pregnant mother worries about her baby's well-being, pregnancy, and new life after motherhood, which are normal feelings. However, the constant feeling of anxiety throughout the months of pregnancy may hurt the mother and the fetus as well. This article teaches about why pregnant women feel anxious and how to reduce stress during pregnancy.

Published on:Jul 21st 2024 |Updated on:Sep 10th 2024
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Causes of anxiety during pregnancy

  • Biological reasons are related to fluctuations in hormone levels, which are normal and essential for a healthy pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body increases the production of estrogen and cortisol, which have a direct effect on anxiety. High levels of progesterone in the body during the first trimester of pregnancy also increase anxiety, as well as antenatal depression and fatigue.
  • Family or personal history of mental health problems or previous emotional trauma.
  • It's normal for any first-time mother to fear the significant changes her life will undergo with a baby.
  • Previous miscarriages.
  • Previous pregnancy complications.
  • Difficult birth.
  • Lack of emotional and moral support during pregnancy.

Symptoms of anxiety and stress during pregnancy

  • Constant worry about the health of the pregnancy and the fetus.
  • Excessive irritability.
  • Stress while preparing for childbirth.
  • Sleep disorders such as insomnia and not staying asleep for several hours at a time.
  • Unjustified fear.
  • Inability to relax.
  • Difficulty concentrating, feeling distracted.
  • Idleness.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Panic attacks appear suddenly, and symptoms include difficulty breathing, intrusive thoughts, and a momentary disconnection from the surrounding reality.

Tips to deal with stress and anxiety while pregnant

1| Relaxation techniques

Many effective relaxation techniques help treat anxiety in pregnant women. One of the most important of these techniques is meditation. There is no need to enroll in an advanced meditation course; all you have to do is sit quietly on the balcony of your house early in the morning or the evening while clearing your mind of any thoughts and fears, breathing quietly as you look at the beauty around you, and focusing on the normal sounds surrounding you. One of the relaxation practices that is beneficial for pregnant women's physical and psychological health is yoga, which may help facilitate childbirth. Talk to your doctor to make sure yoga is suitable for you and join a prenatal yoga course to control your anxiety and stress.

2| Self-care

There is no need to travel to an expensive resort in the Maldives. Just take care of yourself, rest as much as possible, and devote quality time to yourself. Pamper yourself with a visit to the beauty salon and get various nail, hair, and beauty services. Read an exciting book, watch your favorite series, and go out with your friends whenever possible.

3| Talk about it

It has been shown that talking with your husband, with a trusted friend, or with a psychotherapist, if necessary, greatly reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. There are also forums dedicated to pregnant women where you can talk to other mothers who have the same feelings and experiences.

4| Exercising

It has been proven that physical activity is one of the most beneficial activities for mental health, as exercise directly improves mood and reduces anxiety and stress levels. To practice safe exercises for pregnant women, walk in the park or on the beach, swim, or go to the gym.

5| Deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises help increase oxygen levels in the body, which allows the muscles and body to relax. Take a few minutes several times daily to breathe consciously and focus on deep breathing, inhaling the air deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.

6| Sleep and rest

Many pregnant women have insomnia, which affects their mental health. Anxiety and stress may be causes of insomnia. Therefore, to escape this vicious circle, the pregnant mother must prioritize her comfort and strive to get sufficient sleep during the day. Implement a bedtime routine that enhances sleep quality, stop using screens at least an hour before bed, take a warm bath, and massage your feet with natural oil that helps you relax.

7| Journaling

You may not want to talk because of your strange and conflicting feelings. In this case, your diary is your loyal friend who will not judge you and will not reveal your secrets. Many studies have shown that journaling daily and putting feelings and thoughts on paper enhance mental health. It helps effectively eliminate pregnancy anxiety and stress.

8| Diet modification

Make sure to follow a balanced diet rich in essential elements. Eat foods rich in omega-3, such as salmon, to support your mental health and brain function. Do not forget the natural sources of vitamin D, as this vitamin has been shown to play an essential role in improving mental health. The most important natural sources of vitamin D are eggs and sardines, as these elements keep the levels of mood-enhancing hormones such as dopamine and serotonin from declining. Reduce consumption of processed foods and foods containing added sugar and caffeine.

9| Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a psychotherapy technique that evaluates anxious and negative thoughts and applies healthy strategies to deal with them. Mental health experts indicate that this option is the best for treating pregnancy anxiety. However, mental health professionals must carry out treatment with the recommendation and follow-up of your doctor.


Emotional troubles and pregnancy anxiety are typical and very common, but their severity varies from one woman to another. The effectiveness of known treatment methods also varies, and what helped your friend improve her anxiety levels during pregnancy may not help you to the same extent. It is important to tell your gynecologist about any feelings or thoughts you have during pregnancy follow-up visits, talk to people you trust, and ask for help if necessary. And do not forget to use the tips we have summarized for you in this article to enjoy a healthy, stress-free pregnancy. May your health and the health of your fetus be in the best condition.

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