Colic in babies is a common condition that most newborn babies have. A colicky baby will have a new mom sleepless and tired. Find out what is colic, what causes colic in babies, and the best remedies for baby colic that will calm your precious colicky baby.
You know when a newborn baby starts crying for no obvious reason, while he is rested fed, and changed and yet decides to cry nonstop? It is not a disease or a health issue, it is a common condition that many infants go through. Usually, a baby is diagnosed as colicky when he continues to cry for longer periods the total can go up to three hours a day, and if these crying episodes occur several times a week and goes on for more than three weeks.
There isn’t one specific reason why an infant becomes colicky and continues to cry for long periods. However, the following reasons could contribute to the baby's colic.
In some cases, they cry in pain because of digestion issues like gas, or constipation.
Many babies suffer from newborn colic because of stomach pain caused by a milk allergy. If the baby is taking formula milk that contains cow’s milk, and he is allergic to it his reaction is to cry continuously of pain.
The baby has been well sheltered inside the mother’s womb and now he is out in the world in a new environment with so many variables, this makes some infants nervous and scared. And because they are still adjusting their only way of expressing their feelings is through crying, hence the colicky behavior.
If your pediatrician confirmed that your baby doesn’t need any medical treatment such as colic drops or other medication, then it’s up to you to treat the baby's colic at home.
1 - Warm bath
2 - Baby massage
3 - Swaddling
4 - Holding the baby in a sling or baby carrier
5 - Using a white noise machine
6 - Lay the baby across your while you gently rub his back
7 - Use a pacifier
8 - Gently rock your baby
9 - Sing to your baby soothing lullabies
Also read: Calming the New Mom Fears