Golden tips for new moms

Experiencing motherhood for the first time is one of God's most beautiful blessings to every woman, but it is also a tough experience full of challenges. Women often enter the realm of motherhood without prior preparation, burdened by old societal judgments and outdated ideas. Because Omooma is with you all the way, we will summarize the best tips that will make your life as a mother easier for the first time.

Published on:Jul 9th 2024 |Updated on:Sep 10th 2024
نصائح لمساعدة الامهات الجدد

What is motherhood?

In previous articles, we discussed what it means to be a mother and the fears and responsibilities that accompany this experience, which often resembles a rollercoaster. Motherhood is the pillar of the family and the cornerstone of society; it is a great and beautiful responsibility, and it is one of the most satisfying experiences that brings not just challenges, but also immense joy and love. This love and joy will be your constant companions on this beautiful journey of motherhood.

Best tips for new moms

1| Do not compare

The trap of comparison that lures new mothers from near and far into it is the most dangerous thing that may affect your mental health and disturb your life. Every child is different and unique; even siblings are different. Every mother is different, and every family has different circumstances as well. Beware of the trap of fake social media images, do not compare yourself to others, and do not compare your child to other children. There are thousands of different parenting styles; with time, you will find what is best for you and your child. If one method works for one mother, it will not necessarily work for you as well, as no one size fits all.

2| Ask for help

You are strong and wonderful and can do everything independently, but this will exhaust you and lead you to burnout. Ditch your super mama cape and ask for help from others. Asking for help is not an indication of weakness or helplessness but rather an indication of your strength and awareness that being a mom is difficult and you need a helping hand. You are not alone in this journey. Ask your husband for help when he is at home, ask for the help of your family and friends, and if you can, hire a domestic helper to help you with the responsibilities of the house so that you have more time and energy to take care of your child.

3| Be prepared

Knowledge is power. Be prepared with knowledge and information about motherhood, newborn care, breastfeeding, and postpartum health. You will be more prepared to face the many and complex challenges. Don't forget to buy all the baby essentials and your needs during the postpartum period so that the first weeks after giving birth are smoother and less stressful. Join a community of supportive mothers and register for maternity courses so you can face this new and surprising experience fully equipped.

4| Take a deep breath

You need to realize that despite following all the advice and ideas of your breastfeeding specialist, baby sleep expert, and pediatrician’s instructions, your baby may continue to cry for no clear and specific reason, that he may not sleep for hours at a time, and that breastfeeding may not be easy for you and him. Take a deep breath and ensure that you are not the reason if things are not well because this is parenting and motherhood, a quick journey full of bumps.

5| Get enough sleep

If you sleep six or eight hours every night, know that the situation is different with a new baby. You will find that your sleep routine has completely changed after birth, as your baby wakes up every two hours to breastfeed, which will make you tired from lack of sleep. So try to sleep whenever your child sleeps. Don't worry about cleaning the house or other tasks. Sleep is essential for better mental and physical health during the postpartum period.

6| Trust your instincts

All the precious advice found in parenting books and expert lessons cannot compete with a mother’s intuition and what her heart tells her, so listen to your intuition and always believe what your instincts tell you. You are the person who knows your child the most and the one who feels it the most if something is different with him. Do not hesitate to see a doctor if your gut feeling tells you something is wrong.


No matter how difficult and tiring the first days, weeks, and months with your baby are, they will pass as other stages of your life pass. Within the blink of an eye, your infant, who does not leave your side and does not calm down except in your arms, will become a busy teenager distant from you. Enjoy these moments, no matter how difficult and chaotic they are, and cherish all the moments of motherhood in all its details.

OmoomaOmooma | First Online Arabic Motherhood Training Platform

Omooma is the first Online platform offering classes in Arabic dedicated to mothers and mothers-to-be. In addition to content covering many relevant topics, women’s health, pregnancy, fertility, child’s health, and parenting. Omooma’s articles are written by medical writers, based on extensive research, and reviewed by a panel of experts who are part of the largest team of experts available in the region in all fields related to the journey of motherhood.

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