Benefits of birth control pills

Despite their name, their benefits are not limited to birth control, preventing pregnancy, or postponing it. These pills contain hormones that directly affect a woman's health and beauty. Read on to learn about the benefits of birth control pills that you have never heard of before.

Published on:Jul 25th 2024 |Updated on:Sep 10th 2024
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Types of birth control pills

Combination pills

These pills contain a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone (progestin) and Estrogen, which controls the menstrual cycle. Estrogen levels are naturally highest in the middle and lowest at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy after ovulation by increasing the thickness of the uterine lining. It is important to note that increasing progesterone levels stop the ovulation process.

Combined birth control pills usually come in packages containing 28 pills. Most of the pills in the package contain active hormones, while some are hormone-free.

Progestin-only pills

This kind contains the hormone progesterone, known in its synthetic form as progestin, without Estrogen. This pill is known as the Mini Pill. Unlike combination pill packages, all pills in single-hormone birth control pill packages contain progestin.

Benefits of birth control pills

1| Reducing the symptoms of endometriosis

Endometriosis causes severe pain, especially during menstruation. The uterine lining, which sheds during the menstrual cycle, grows inside and outside the uterus, on the ovaries, bladder, and bowel. An increase in this tissue causes irritation, inflammation, and pain. Birth control pills reduce menstrual symptoms by reducing the thickness of the uterine lining and reducing the pain associated with its growth outside the uterus and shedding.

2| Improve symptoms of PMS

About 90% of women suffer from this syndrome every month, whose symptoms include general fatigue, mood swings, irritability, abdominal bloating, and breast tenderness. The hormones in birth control pills help reduce the severity of these symptoms.

3| Reducing period pain and heavy menstruation

Menstrual pain is caused by chemical elements known as prostaglandins produced from the uterine lining. As the levels of these elements rise, uterine contractions occur, which helps the uterine lining shed and come out. Birth control pills reduce the thickness of the uterine lining, thus reducing pain and bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

4| Reducing the risk of anemia

Anemia and iron deficiency are common conditions, especially in women. Because birth control pills reduce the frequency of periods and shorten their days, they reduce the amount of bleeding and help avoid anemia or increase its severity.

5| Cancer Prevention

Recent medical studies have shown that taking birth control pills for many years reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and uterine cancer by rates ranging between 50% and 70%. However, it is essential to note that combined birth control pills contain high levels of Estrogen, which may increase the risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer.

6| Help treat PCOs

One of the causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome, which causes many disturbing symptoms in addition to delaying pregnancy, is hormonal imbalance. Therefore, taking birth control pills and adjusting hormone levels helps treat polycystic ovary syndrome.

7| Reducing migraines

Many women suffer from severe migraines related to menstruation due to declining Estrogen levels. Therefore, taking combined birth control pills helps maintain Estrogen levels throughout the menstrual cycle and reduce migraine pain.

8| Improve menopause symptoms

Although taking birth control pills is for young women who want to postpone pregnancy, it has been shown that taking these pills during menopause helps regulate hormone levels and reduces the annoying symptoms of this transitional stage, such as hot flashes—night sweats, etc.

9| Improve skin

Birth control pills help reduce the abundance of facial hair growth and reduce the appearance of acne and various pimples.

Side effects of birth control pills

The use of birth control pills may be accompanied by some side effects, such as:

  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Breast tenderness.
  • Headache.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Nausea.
  • Bleeding after menstruation.
  • Camps.


Birth control pills are a commonly used hormonal contraceptive. There are different types of these pills, some containing one hormone and others containing two hormones. Not all types of these pills are suitable for all women. Therefore, it is essential to consult a gynecologist before taking birth control pills to postpone pregnancy or to treat any other problem.

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