The real signs of labor

The final month of pregnancy is the month of waiting and anticipation. Despite your patience for eight consecutive months, you are now eager for the moment of birth and to receive your little one. Many symptoms warn of the approaching birth, but the birth may begin several days after these signs. The wait may be up to a week. Therefore, today, we chose to talk in this article about the real signs of labor that occur on the day of birth and which anticipate the start of labor shortly.

Published on:May 21st 2024 |Updated on:Aug 10th 2024
علامات الولادة الحقيقية

Signs of false labor

  • Contractions stop after a while or when you change your sitting position or move.
  • The contractions do not increase in intensity or frequency.
  • The pain and cramps stop after a while.
  • Cramps are felt in the front of the abdomen without pain in the lower back.

The real signs of labor

1| Losing the mucus plug

The uterine plug is a thick mucus plug that forms during pregnancy to protect the opening of the cervix from any germs that may enter the uterus and harm the fetus. The cervix thins and relaxes as the body prepares for labor, causing the mucus plug to come out. Some blood may accompany the plug; This makes the mucus appear pink instead of milky white. The plug coming out is one of the signs that labor is approaching. Childbirth may begin after a few minutes, a few hours, or sometimes days. It is worth noting that some women may not notice that the plug has come out. She may not be able to distinguish between it and regular vaginal discharge.

2| Rupture membrane (The water breaking)

It does not happen as you see in the movies. The water will not come out as forcefully as you think, as 10% of women experience an intense rush of amniotic fluid from the vagina. Amniotic fluid leakage occurs before birth, shortly before labor begins, and may also occur after labor and contractions begin. Because the uterus is above the bladder, urine leakage may occur sometimes. Urine smells unpleasant; however, the amniotic fluid is transparent and has no odor. If such fluid comes out at once or in batches, go to the maternity hospital for examination and evaluation. Tell your doctor if the fluid has a foul smell and is green in color because this indicates an infection. It is important to note that you should not have intercourse or use tampons after your water breaks to avoid introducing any germs into the vagina and uterus.

3| Effacement of the cervix

The cervix begins to thin and dilate during the last month of pregnancy, which means that the lower part of the uterus is preparing for labor and delivery, as a thin cervix can dilate more quickly. The gynecologist usually examines the cervix during pregnancy follow-up visits in the final weeks before birth.

The extent of cervical effacement after an internal examination is usually calculated in percentages. Your doctor will tell you that you are 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% effaced in the last moments of labor. Braxton Hicks that you feel during the last weeks of pregnancy increases the thinning of the cervix.

4| Dilation

It is the dilation of the opening of the cervix in preparation for the fetus to come out. The dilatation is calculated in centimeters, or on fingers, during the internal examination conducted by the midwives while you are in the delivery room. Full dilatation is when the cervix dilates to ten centimeters. It signifies that the mother is ready to begin pushing the baby.

5| Contractions

It can be called contractions, cramps, or labor pain and is a sure sign of labor. Regular contractions are the most prominent sign of labor; they are consistent pain intensifying as time passes. At first, they will be repeated in stages that continue to get closer. So, record the beginning of your contractions to know how far apart they are. When the labor pains get closer, this is an indication that you need to go to the hospital.

The pain of childbirth is very similar to the period pain and cramps, in addition to lower back pain, which is not constant. The duration between contractions in the early stages of labor is between 20 to 30 minutes, and then it converges until they are 10 minutes apart or less. Real labor pain is also characterized by its intensity increasing with each repetition, and each time the pain lasts longer than the previous one, the pain is repeated regularly and is not random.


You must be aware and familiar with the signs of true labor while you are in the third trimester of pregnancy so that you do not go to the hospital every time you feel false labor pain or Braxton Hicks, which is the trap that first-time mothers fall into. Also, make sure you choose the right hospital. The birth plan is written in advance, and the hospital bag is ready. Wishing you an easy birth.

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