7 Steps to Face Stress when trying to conceive

Stress and anxiety are among the most significant symptoms experienced by women when facing infertility. Attempting to conceive is challenging, especially in the presence of fertility issues. In this article, we will explore the impact of all this on your mental health and share solutions to help you handle any worries or stress.

Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul Haija
Published on:Dec 21st 2023 |Updated on:Sep 10th 2024
التوتر والقلق بسبب تأخر الحمل

Causes of Infertility

Often, there is no apparent medical reason for infertility. Sometimes, there are treatable and clear causes, while others may be untreatable. Here are the main reasons for infertility:

  • Ovulation Issues: Ovulation may not occur at all, or it may be irregular. Having PCOS can also affect ovulation.
  • Issues with Fallopian Tubes: Narrowing or blockages in the fallopian tubes can prevent the eggs from meeting the sperm.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal disorders such as thyroid hormone deficiency or excessive prolactin secretion can impact fertility.
  • Number or Quality of Sperm: The quantity or quality of sperm may be insufficient for fertilizing the egg and pregnancy.
  • Age: Advanced age can affect a woman's chances of conceiving, as natural pregnancy rates decrease with age.
  • Chronic Diseases: Certain chronic diseases like diabetes and thyroid disorders can affect the occurrence of pregnancy.
  • Psychological Factors: Stress and life pressures can influence fertility.
  • Use of Certain Medications: Some medications, such as chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment, can affect fertility.

Why does infertility cause Stress and Anxiety?

Despite increased awareness and advances in fertility treatments, the journey of trying to conceive and consulting fertility specialists is not an easy one. While treatment may be straightforward and quick, it may require a long time with numerous tests, treatments, and undergoing various procedures. All of these contribute to elevated stress and anxiety levels for both the woman and her husband.

Moreover, discussing this matter with friends and family is sensitive, making it difficult for women to face these pressures alone.

Steps to Face Stress and Anxiety when trying to conceive

Setting Boundaries

Setting appropriate boundaries for those around you is crucial as you navigate this sensitive phase of your life. Share only essential information, avoid delving into too many details, and don't let others interfere or provide unsolicited advice. Listening only to professional medical advice while reducing the information shared with people around you, no matter how well-intentioned, can significantly help alleviate your stress. Avoid negative individuals spreading frustration and despair, and surround yourself with those who love and support you with positive words.

Joining a Support Group

The journey of fertility treatments can be lengthy and, like any long journey, can make you feel lonely. Join a support group of women who have been through or are going through similar experiences. Joining such a group will make you realize that you are not alone and many women are walking the same path. Listen to their experiences share your feelings and fears, and you'll find it easier to overcome stress and anxiety through this positive companionship.

Talking to Your Husband

Your husband is your companion in trying to conceive, the person closest to you who goes through every step with you and accompanies you to all doctor visits and fertility experts. Don't hesitate to talk to your husband about your feelings and fears. Share everything, and you'll find that his support will lift you from any confusion and tension you may face.

 Engaging in Light Exercise

Don't remain seated, overthinking, and waiting for test results and treatments. Go for a walk every day, and if possible, engage in light exercises like yoga or swimming. Take a deep breath, give your body a half-hour break from the pressures of fertility treatment. It will help you overcome stress and significantly improve your mental health.

Adequate Sleep

Ensure you get enough sleep every night, as there is a direct impact of sleep deprivation on physical and mental health and even fertility. Avoid staying up late, refrain from screen time before bedtime, and aim to wake up early to fall asleep quickly.

Following a Healthy Diet

Avoid processed and sugar-rich foods. Reduce caffeine intake as much as possible, as there is a direct link between gut health, mental health, and fertility. The healthier your diet and the more water you drink, the better your mood and the less anxiety you'll feel.


Don't bottle up your feelings. Tell your journal if you can't talk about them with people around you. Pour your feelings, fears, anger, dreams, and hopes on paper. Journaling will help you control feelings of anxiety and stress, allowing you to approach the pregnancy phase with a positive mood.

Remember, we are with you every step of the way in motherhood. Our courses and articles by top experts are here to answer all your questions.


Check out Trying to get pregnant? Here is how to get the support you need


Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul HaijaHead of Content in Omooma

Nauras is a mother of three, and the Head of Content of Omooma platform. She holds a master’s degree in French language and literature from the USA. She studied French following her passion for languages, she speaks 6 languages, 4 of them fluently. Before dedicating her career to creating and Marketing content, her professional experience included secondary education, higher education, translation, editing, writing, and managing web content. She has a great interest in all topics concerning motherhood and raising children, with a special passion for education.

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