Mother's Day celebrations are not for everyone.

March is Women's Month and Mother's Month. After celebrating Women's Day, we are preparing to celebrate Mother's Day. While many people are busy buying Mother's Day gifts and preparing surprises for their mothers, others are waiting for this occasion to pass quickly because of the pain it causes them. Do not be surprised, as Mother's Day is a source of discomfort for many. Read on to learn more.

Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul Haija
Published on:Mar 17th 2024 |Updated on:Sep 10th 2024
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How do most people celebrate Mother's Day?

Every year, Mother's Day is a precious occasion for many, as it is the day they can show their love and appreciation to their most beloved ones. They offer gifts of gold, jewelry, personal products, home electricals, family trips, and other beautiful gift ideas.

It is also an opportunity for the family to gather in a joyful atmosphere to honor the one who gave everything for the happiness of her children and family. Mothers-in-law, aunts, and older sisters also have a share in celebrating this promising occasion. Despite the attempts to distort her image, the aunt is a mother, and a mother-in-law is also a mother, and she deserves to be celebrated. In many families, the older sister plays a supporting role for the mother, so she is also celebrated on this beautiful occasion.

Mother's Day celebrations are only for some

While many rejoice for this special occasion, others hate Mother's Day and the entire month of March! Because of the constant noise in the markets, streets, and communication platforms about gifts for mothers, celebrating Mother's Day, celebration ideas, and the repetition of the words "mama, mom, mommy," are uttered millions of times in front of them. They cannot voice those words because the dear one with these titles is no longer among us.

Whoever loses his mother not only for Mother's Day is challenging but also for the whole of life. Sometimes, breathing is exhausting due to the awfulness of the loss, as he has lost a part of his soul and self that he will never be able to regain. But the exaggerated celebrations on this day have a hurtful effect, felt by those who lost their mothers. They wish they could go to sleep and wake up after the end of March with its celebrations and noise around the mother gone.

Celebrate your mothers with love. Hug them, kiss their hands, and sit at their feet. These are precious moments; I hope you do not lose them. But be gentle with those who cannot regain them. Do not share photos and videos on your platforms, and remain quiet.

My experience with Mother's Day celebrations

More than ten years ago, a few days after Mother's Day, we celebrated my mother - may God have mercy on her - with gifts and cake and hugged her frail body, tired of cancer and chemotherapy. She was hospitalized for the last time and never returned home. The family home became cold and dark, and life no longer had any taste. This memory makes Mother's Day a painful impact on me. I share with many of my friends that life brought us together, and together, we share the pain of loss and separation.

This year, Mother’s Day is even more bitter; tens of thousands of children in Gaza lost their mothers, and thousands of women had their motherhood ripped from their arms when their babies and children were murdered.

Be kind to those who lost their mothers as you celebrate yours. A person whose mother died is not only fragile but a broken person who cannot be restored.


Check out Rethinking Women's Day Amidst the War on Women in Gaza

Nauras Abul Haija Editor in Chief
Nauras Abul HaijaHead of Content in Omooma

Nauras is a mother of three, and the Head of Content of Omooma platform. She holds a master’s degree in French language and literature from the USA. She studied French following her passion for languages, she speaks 6 languages, 4 of them fluently. Before dedicating her career to creating and Marketing content, her professional experience included secondary education, higher education, translation, editing, writing, and managing web content. She has a great interest in all topics concerning motherhood and raising children, with a special passion for education.

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