Essential Medical Supplies For Every Home

From superficial wounds to more complex medical conditions, families are constantly exposed to situations that require immediate attention before heading to the hospital, if necessary. Therefore, every home must have a set of essential medical supplies to treat emergencies at home. This article lists the most important supplies to prepare for any medical emergency fully.

Published on:Aug 6th 2024 |Updated on:Nov 10th 2024
مستلزمات طبية لكل بيت

Why you should be prepared

It is vital that every home has a set of medical supplies to treat emergencies that can be dealt with at home, and it is also essential to master the basics of first aid. This will save you money and unnecessary visits to the emergency room to treat a superficial wound or an uncomplicated medical condition.

In addition to the first aid kit that should be available in every home and car, it is important to buy some medical supplies that enable us to deal with simple emergencies and avoid waiting in the emergency room or the doctor's office.

Medical supplies for every home

Basic medical supplies

  • Sterile gauze squares.
  • Medical adhesive tape.
  • Sterile gauze rolls.
  • Cotton balls.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Bandage Shears.
  • Single-use medical gloves.
  • Vaseline.
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Thermal blanket.


  • Thermometer.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Blood pressure monitor.
  • Blood glucose monitor and strips.
  • Oximeter.


  • Medications previously prescribed by a doctor.
  • Paracetamol to reduce fever and relieve pain.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Antiacid.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.
  • Calamine lotion.
  • Topical ointment (Lidocaine).
  • Aloe vera gel.
  • Electrolyte powders.
  • Sterile saline eye drops.
  • Anti-gas medication.
  • Mild laxative.
  • Antidiarrheal.
  • Broad spectrum antibiotic.
  • Zinc.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Multivitamin.
  • Vicks Vaporub.

Supplies to treat minor cuts and wounds

  • Bandaids of various sizes and shapes.
  • Tweezers.
  • Magnifying glass.
  • Butterfly wound closures.
  • Suture thread and needle, needle driver, and fine scissors
  • Tourniquet.
  • Compression bandage.

Supplies for treating burns

  • Medical gel for burns.
  • Special bandages for burns.
  • Medical Leukotape.

Medical supplies you don't need at home

  • Decompression needles are used by trained medical personnel only.
  • Sleep medications: These are taken by prescription and for a temporary period only.
  • Ointments that contain several types of antibiotics are not necessary.
  • Anti-constipation medications may cause severe diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Surgical instruments are only used by a doctor in a sterile environment such as an emergency room or operating room.
  • Sore Throat Lozenges. There is no medical evidence of the effectiveness of sore throat lozenges in treating sore throat.

When should you go to the hospital?

  • If the first aid steps are taken, the condition does not improve, or the bleeding does not stop.
  • When the temperature rises and does not respond to fever-reducing medications.
  • If the person faints.
  • When suffering from severe burns.
  • If new symptoms appear.


The safety of your family is one of your most important priorities, so you must be well prepared to maintain their health and safety, be able to deal with any emergency and treat minor wounds and burns before you head to the hospital. See this list: buy medical supplies to help you care for your family's health.

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