Social Anxiety or social shyness is becoming more common, especially among children and teenagers. It can range from simple and usual shyness when meeting people for the first time to severe cases diagnosed by experts as a disorder known as social anxiety disorder. This article will explore different degrees of shyness, its causes, and the best ways to treat it.
We all feel nervous in different ways when meeting new people, starting school, or working in a new place. Feeling anxious when asked to speak in front of a group of unfamiliar faces is natural. However, severe social shyness, reaching the point of disorder, is known as social anxiety disorder. This abnormal Anxiety is accompanied by physical and severe psychological symptoms, leading the person suffering from this disorder to avoid social interactions and conversations due to extreme fear of humiliation and embarrassment in front of others.
There isn't a single known cause for people, whether children, teenagers, or adults, to experience social Anxiety. However, a combination of physical, genetic, and neurological factors may play a role in causing some individuals to develop social anxiety disorder. Scientists suggest that disruptions in neurotransmitter levels might cause an imbalance in serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate, which significantly affect mood and could be a contributing factor.
It's crucial not to hastily label anyone exhibiting shyness as suffering from a social anxiety disorder. A thorough analysis and diagnosis by specialists are necessary when social shyness significantly impedes a person's daily life. Consulting a mental health professional for a comprehensive assessment is recommended in such cases. Based on the results, the mental health expert will formulate an appropriate treatment plan, if necessary.
The treatment options for social anxiety disorder vary based on its severity. Some may require a single form of treatment, while others with severe social Anxiety may need complex and prolonged therapy. The following are prominent and influential treatment options:
Individual counseling with a therapist or counselor or group therapy.
A widely used and effective therapy that helps replace Anxiety with positive feelings, encouraging gradual acceptance of social interactions.
Whether in-person or remote, support groups aid in learning skills and techniques that facilitate interaction with others and increase acceptance of social events.
Prescribed by a psychiatrist in cases of severe Anxiety.
Acceptance is crucial in supporting individuals facing any mental or behavioral challenges. It is vital to help our loved ones overcome their fears, manage their Anxiety, and simultaneously embrace their differences, offering continuous support and love.