Artificial insemination step by step
Artificial insemination is one of the common fertility treatments that couples resort to when they face fertility issues. In this article, we will learn more about this innovative treatment, how artificial insemination is performed, and how successful this type of treatment is.

Published on:Sep 19th 2024 |Updated on:Nov 10th 2024
Causes of infertility
- Unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, obesity, constant stress.
- Ovulation problems: Ovulation may not occur at all or may be irregular. Or due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which may affect ovulation.
- Hormonal disorders, such as hypothyroidism or hyperprolactinemia, may affect fertility.
- The number or quality of sperm may be insufficient to fertilize the egg and cause pregnancy.
- Use of certain medications: Some medications can affect fertility, such as chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer.
- Problems with the fallopian tubes: Narrowing or blockage in the fallopian tubes can prevent eggs from meeting sperm.
- Age: A woman's age may affect her ability to conceive, as the chances of pregnancy naturally decrease with age.
- Chronic diseases: Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid diseases, can affect the occurrence of pregnancy.
What is artificial insemination?
For pregnancy to occur, sperm must travel through the vagina, through the cervix, into the uterus, and into the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg. But sometimes the sperm are not able to make this journey, or there may be problems with female or male fertility. Sometimes, the cervix does not allow the sperm to make its way to the uterus. In such cases, couples resort to the option of artificial insemination to achieve pregnancy.
Types of artificial insemination
Intracervical insemination ICI
During this type of insemination, sperm is injected directly into the cervix, which is the pathway leading to the uterus. This procedure is usually done in the fertility doctor's office and does not require a specialized center.
Intrauterine insemination IUI
This procedure is similar to intracervical insemination, but with the difference that the injection is done directly inside the uterus after the sperm has been prepared in advance.
When do we resort to artificial insemination?
Fertility experts recommend this procedure in the following cases:
- Erectile dysfunction in men, with no problems with sperm or fertility in women.
- When the mother who has been trying to get pregnant for more than six months is over 35 years old.
- After trying to get pregnant for more than a year, the mother is under 35 years old.
- Irregular periods.
- After recurrent miscarriage.
- There is a problem with the cervical mucus that kills the sperm, or the cervix is dry so that the sperm cannot reach the uterus.
- Endometriosis.
- In the case of male fertility problems.
- Low sperm count.
- Poor sperm motility.
- In some rare cases, a woman may be allergic to some proteins in sperm.
- Undergoing some treatments that affect fertility, such as radiation therapy.
The Procedure
Steps for performing intracervical insemination (ICI)
- Track ovulation by monitoring ovulation signs, tracking your body temperature, or using one of the smart ovulation trackers.
- Sometimes, the fertility doctor prescribes some ovulation-stimulating medications to increase the chances of having multiple eggs. One of the most famous of these medications is Clomid.
- The husband will provide a semen sample to complete the insemination.
- The doctor will inject the sperm into the vagina using a special needle or using a cervical plug that remains in the cervix for some time.
- The woman should remain lying down for a quarter to half an hour to allow the sperm to move from the cervix towards the uterus.
- Normal daily activities can be resumed after this short break.
- A pregnancy test can be performed two or three weeks after this procedure to ensure that it was successful and that pregnancy has occurred.
Steps to perform intrauterine insemination (IUI)
This type of insemination is performed in specialized fertility centers. It includes the same previous steps with the addition of the following steps:
- Preparing and washing sperm to remove specific proteins that may hinder fertilization. This preparation also increases sperm concentration, increasing the chances of fertility.
- The doctor uses a special instrument called a speculum to facilitate access to the uterus.
- Then he uses a thin needle that he inserts through the vagina to inject the sperm directly into the uterus.
Frequently asked questions about artificial insemination
Does this type of fertility treatment help to get pregnant with twins?
The chance of conceiving twins with artificial insemination increases when the woman takes ovulation-stimulating medications prescribed by the doctor. If more than one egg is fertilized, the fertilized eggs continue to grow.
Can the sex of the fetus be determined during artificial insemination?
The step of separating sperm can be added during sperm preparation to determine the sex of the fetus.
What is the success rate of this procedure?
Studies and statistics have shown that the success rates of both types of artificial insemination range between 37% and 40%. The success rates depend on several factors, including the mother's health condition, age, etc.
To sum up,
Artificial insemination is a common fertility treatment that helps couples conceive. This procedure is not complicated, does not require an overnight stay in the hospital, and is less expensive than other fertility treatments. These procedures are considered low-risk and have a high success rate, especially in young women and couples who do not have infertility or severe health problems.