5 Tips for a Positive Relation with your mother-in-law

The relationship between the daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law is thorny and complicated; unfortunately, it is primarily negative. Even in rare cases where the relationship is positive, many challenges exist. In this article, we will share tips on how to have a positive relationship with your mother-in-law.

Published on:Jul 11th 2024 |Updated on:Aug 10th 2024
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Causes of problems

  • Both parties were influenced by popular culture, which sometimes negatively portrays both women and their relationship.
  • The mother-in-law is jealous of the daughter-in-law, a strange woman from nowhere. She took the man who was once a child and captured his mother’s heart.
  • Sometimes, the daughter-in-law is jealous of the mother-in-law because of the close relationship between the husband and his mother. This is especially true if the husband spends more time with his mother and tells her things he hides from his wife.
  • Negative influence around both women putting them against each other from day one.
  • The mother-in-law meddles in the life of her son, his wife, and his family, especially getting involved in raising the children.

5 Tips to have a Positive Relation with your mother-in-law

1| Respect is the foundation of successful relationships

Always remember that before being your mother-in-law, she is your husband’s mother, and whether you like it or not, she is the most important woman in his life, as she is the one who gave birth to him and raised him. No matter how she treats you, this woman must be older than you; she may be the same age as your mother or a little older. Therefore, it is essential that you treat her with respect and politeness and never return verbal abuse. You are not required to accept the abuse or submit to it. You distance yourself but do not return any abuse, whatever it may be.

2| Silence is golden

They said in the past that if speech is silver, silence is gold. Do not talk a lot during family gatherings, do not share many details of your life, do not ask about the details of your husband’s family’s life, and do not interfere in its details. Be calm, listen a lot, and speak kindly. Be tactful and participate in general conversations without insisting on a specific opinion, especially if it contradicts your mother-in-law's opinion. And do not forget to speak positively about your husband, her dear son, and avoid complaining about him and talking about his faults in front of her. You must also seek advice from your mother-in-law and ask her for recipes for the foods your husband loves. Try it; your mother-in-law will love you immediately.

3| Give gifts

Don't wait for Mother's Day or other holidays and occasions to give your mother-in-law a gift that you know will bring joy and happiness to her heart. The gift does not have to be expensive. Try every visit to your husband’s family’s house to take something simple for your mother-in-law, such as a plant she loves, her favorite candy, or something she would buy. These gifts will make your mother-in-law look forward to your visits and will earn you some points with your husband, but remember not to burden him with costs 😊

4| Everyone has a place

Remember your importance and special status with your husband and that your relationship is unique. Always be aware that you are not in competition with your mother. Each of you has a special place, and no one can replace the other. There is no replacement for a mother and her tenderness, care, and love. There is no substitute for the wife, companion, life partner, and mother of the children.

5| Overlook a lot of things

Remember that your relationship with your mother-in-law is not temporary, and it is not a relationship in which there are only two parties like other relations. Instead, there are several parties: your husband, your children, and the rest of your husband’s family. Therefore, patience and ignoring many things, even if they bother you, is essential. If things get to an unbearable degree, or there is abuse or insult, stay away for a while and reduce contact to maintain your mental health and inner peace.


Do not start your marriage with negative beliefs and fears of your mother-in-law, and do not fear her lousy treatment, as not everything that happens in a television drama will necessarily occur in reality. Therefore, you must live your experience and strive for your relationship with your husband’s mother to be based on respect and affection instead of jealousy and inadequate treatment.

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